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Taras Chernov
Taras Chernov

Coding The Arduino: Building Fun Programs, Game...

If you are wondering where to begin, join us for Circuit Wizard: Introduction to Arduino. Your child (Grades 4-7) will learn about the fundamentals of circuits, and how to use resistors, while building a series of cool projects and experiments (and you don't even need a physical Arduino, we use an awesome virtual one). We will also code Arduino to start building some smart devices which will sense the environment and respond accordingly. For younger students (Grades 2-4) we recommend beginning with our Micro;Bit coding for kids class.

Coding the Arduino: Building Fun Programs, Game...

There is something about building electrical circuits for kids. The builds are challenging, but they are also rewarding in a way not often found in lessons. We are big fans of Creation Crate a subscription box series that teaches engineering of electrical circuits and coding. With the first box we built a mood lamp. This time it was a memory game. The build was fun, only to be topped by the hysterical challenges we had against each other in a series of memory battles.

This 10-week course is designed for 4-6 graders who already have a working knowledge of variables, loops, messages, and conditionals, and have an active Scratch coding experience. We will learn new coding concepts, design more complex and sophisticated programs, and even advance your knowledge of geometry and physics. A variety of fun graphical projects, mathematical simulations, and games will take these new concepts to work and foster computational thinking and problem-solving. Successful graduates can move on to Games and Algorithms with Scratch Level 3.

We will learn new challenging programming concepts, design more complex and sophisticated programs, perfect coding skills, and even advance our knowledge of geometry and physics. We will be learning about lists, strings, procedures, clones, gaming techniques, and much more. A variety of graphical projects, mathematical simulations, quests, and games will take these new concepts to work.

JavaScript is a user-friendly programming language used in millions of websites. We will be learning JavaScript with HTML5 and CSS by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages, and by coding plenty of algorithmic problems. Arduino is an electronics prototyping platform enabling users to create interactive electronic objects. Learning Arduino can help you understand physical programming with a focus on electronics. You can make all kinds of tinkerer projects, from simple and silly to serious and practical, while building confidence with circuits and electronics components like LEDs, resistors, capacitors, etc

Electronics kits are a great way for kids to understand how the digital and physical worlds can come together to make interesting inventions. Beginner projects like a blinking LED bracelet or a motor-driven windmill model are excellent starting points, where kids can experience the thrill of building something tangible while applying their coding skills.

Learn how to code using the Sphero littleBits Code Kit. With this coding and electronics kit, students create games and make inventions while exploring programming and engineering concepts in the classroom. Snap together the easy-to-use building blocks and start inventing.

However, as a geeky parent, I want to do the programming projects with my son so, even if he can't read everything in the UI or the text on the code blocks, I can help him figure out what to do. Inevitably, after I've used a coding app with him, he goes back and creates his own programs, because he's memorized what everything does.

Most kid-oriented tech products exist in a vacuum, with their own proprietary parts, apps and coding languages. There's nothing wrong with building a robot that uses components you can't combine with anything else or writing a program in a block-based language that's easy to understand, but not applicable to any other products.

Minecraft Mod MadnessMinecraft is a wonderful environment for learning code. Children who already love building inMinecraft, love the power that coding gives them. But also, Minecraft makes coding seem easy.When children write and run code in Minecraft the results are both immediate and very visual. Thismakes understanding abstract concepts seem concrete. Please not this is a coding class, not a Minecraft playing class. 041b061a72




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